I only seem to post when I'm being hormonal. I don't know why but it just seems to work that way. So, now that you know that I'm feeling like someone is scrubbing my brain with a steel wire brush, let me tell you what my clue was that made me stop today and think..."oh, I must be hormonal"!!
It seems that all the electronic things around me lately are possessed by the spirit of non-cooperation. I wanted to see or listen to the Yankees first spring training game this week at the office. I renewed my subscription to the live MLB TV site and was all excited about being able to watch the games this season, even the afternoon games at the office.
I already knew from last year that trying to watch the game using AOL as the browser wasn't the best way to go since the bandwidth makes the action start and stop constantly. Last year I used Firefox and that worked much better. So, I downloaded Firefox to my machine at work but I couldn't get Firefox to do anything except show the task bar and a blank screen. So I went on AOL and tried to watch the game. I got everything to come up just fine except the video. I had good reception but no picture. I decided that I would just listen to the game on my satellite radio that I always listen to at work, but for some reason I can't get a signal. I thought it was the lousy weather but its clear now and it still has no signal.
I did pretty well with that disappointment. I decided to do like Scarlett O'Hara and "think about it tomorrow". Well, today is the tomorrow and I couldn't wait to watch the Yankees game today when I got home from the Intense Training. I booted up my computer, clicked on FireFox and got the same blank screen. I even uninstalled and reinstalled FireFox to see if that would help but it didn't. I went back through AOL and managed to get the MLB TV site up, looked at the schedule only to find that the Yankees game wasn't on MLB live today. I decided to try to watch the Mets game and got a message saying it was blocked for my market area.
Not to be a quitter, I checked the cable TV to see if they were on ESPN so I could at least listen to it (since I gave up watching TV for Lent). Of course, it wasn't being shown. I went back to the MLB site to listen to the game but by then I had reached my hormonal limit. By that time, Dwight had arrived and made the mistake of asking me how I was doing. I was ready to throw my computer through my television by then but he was being so nice and caring that all I could do was cry. It was at that point that it hit me...I'm having hormone issues. Duh!!! It always amazes me that I'm the last one to know.
Things will be better now that I see it and can be patient with myself, others, and life in least until next time. But unfortunately, I still have a satellite radio that has no signal, a router that has to be reset every time I sign on, a web browser that won't come up even though the computer says its running, a new MLB live subscription for games I can't watch, and a TV whose volume is too low to hear sometimes.
Maybe my electronics are being hormonal too.
It seems that all the electronic things around me lately are possessed by the spirit of non-cooperation. I wanted to see or listen to the Yankees first spring training game this week at the office. I renewed my subscription to the live MLB TV site and was all excited about being able to watch the games this season, even the afternoon games at the office.
I already knew from last year that trying to watch the game using AOL as the browser wasn't the best way to go since the bandwidth makes the action start and stop constantly. Last year I used Firefox and that worked much better. So, I downloaded Firefox to my machine at work but I couldn't get Firefox to do anything except show the task bar and a blank screen. So I went on AOL and tried to watch the game. I got everything to come up just fine except the video. I had good reception but no picture. I decided that I would just listen to the game on my satellite radio that I always listen to at work, but for some reason I can't get a signal. I thought it was the lousy weather but its clear now and it still has no signal.
I did pretty well with that disappointment. I decided to do like Scarlett O'Hara and "think about it tomorrow". Well, today is the tomorrow and I couldn't wait to watch the Yankees game today when I got home from the Intense Training. I booted up my computer, clicked on FireFox and got the same blank screen. I even uninstalled and reinstalled FireFox to see if that would help but it didn't. I went back through AOL and managed to get the MLB TV site up, looked at the schedule only to find that the Yankees game wasn't on MLB live today. I decided to try to watch the Mets game and got a message saying it was blocked for my market area.
Not to be a quitter, I checked the cable TV to see if they were on ESPN so I could at least listen to it (since I gave up watching TV for Lent). Of course, it wasn't being shown. I went back to the MLB site to listen to the game but by then I had reached my hormonal limit. By that time, Dwight had arrived and made the mistake of asking me how I was doing. I was ready to throw my computer through my television by then but he was being so nice and caring that all I could do was cry. It was at that point that it hit me...I'm having hormone issues. Duh!!! It always amazes me that I'm the last one to know.
Things will be better now that I see it and can be patient with myself, others, and life in least until next time. But unfortunately, I still have a satellite radio that has no signal, a router that has to be reset every time I sign on, a web browser that won't come up even though the computer says its running, a new MLB live subscription for games I can't watch, and a TV whose volume is too low to hear sometimes.
Maybe my electronics are being hormonal too.
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