
This is my girl...my Hannah. She was born on 8-12-06 and weighed all of 4 oz. She was one of 4 in the litter where only she and her sister survived. Her sister is three times her size. I guess that makes her the "runt" of the litter.
I named her Hannah because the name means "favored by God" and I figured that if she survived at her size, she must have been favored and she deserved a name that said so. She is the sweetest puppy I've ever met. She loves everyone, knows when to be quiet, can entertain herself with her toys, squeals like a pig when she hasn't seen you for a while and gives great kisses. She wags her stub so hard that her whole body shakes when she's happy. Lately, she has also started to be protective of me, growling low and deep when she sees something dangerous...like the reflection of the tv screen in the sliding glass door.
One of the funniest things was watching her try to figure out where the other dogs came from when she saw her own reflection in my black appliances in the kitchen. It happened again when we started playing ball and she ran to get the ball and saw her reflection in the glass storm door. You could almost see smoke coming from her little pads when she put on the brakes at the sight of that "other dog".
Hannah has been a delight to have. She helps to fill some of the need I have to care for someone and to be responsible for someone. I have a need to be needed and she helps me with that. She allows me to love her without any obstacles. I'm never afraid that she will reject me, criticize me, or not forgive me. She gives me something to hug whenever I want to...even if only because she can't stop me! I love my Hannah and I think having her in my life makes me "favored by God". There is only one thing Hannah can't do for me. She can't hold me.
I wish she could.
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