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Location: Jacksonville, Florida

I'm on a journey. I know where I'm going but not how I'll get there. Its a mystery only God knows...and isn't telling.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Memories and Dreams

We all have our time machines. Some take us back, they're called memories. Some take us forward, they're called dream.
Jeremy Irons

When I was a child my favorite place in all the world was "the cottage". It was made of wood and always painted yellow. Nothing fancy - it was small and simple. The cottage was owned by my grandparents originally and eventually taken over by my aunt and uncle. My family did the usual two week vacation every year and we would always go up north to the area around Chicago. Part of the time was spent at the cottage, about a 3 hour drive east into the Amish country...away from the city, the oil refineries, steel mills, and traffic.

There are many good memories that come to me when I think about the days at the cottage. There were hours in the rowboat catching turtles, riding bikes into Howe past the many Amish farms, swimming in the lake, walking with my aunt down the dirt road where she walked George, her cranky old dog. The walk took us past a pig farm, bushes filled with blackberries, and weeping willow trees. To this day the smell of a pig farm brings it all back to me.

But the thing I remember most is the lightening bugs. I know many people who have childhood memories of waiting for it to get dark so they could watch them light up. We did the usual thing of catching them in the Mason jars with holes in the lid for air. We always let them go eventually. I can still hear the crunch of the fine gravel under my feel as I crept up on one firefly after another. I could have stayed there forever in complete awe and contentment.

I looked back on that time with some sadness because it was over...a childhood memory long gone. Then one evening I was at a friend's house for dinner and afterwards, I stood with him outside his house listening to him tell me of his plans to build a deck on the back so he could look out over the woods behind his place. It was so quiet and peaceful. I could visualize how nice it would be. And as the sun set completely, I saw something I hadn't seen in years...lightening bugs! The darker it got, the more there were, until it looked liked Christmas lights blinking in the woods. I was enchanted with the sight, and the memories of those good times as a child washed over me like a wave. I could have stayed there forever in complete awe and contentment.

I love the man who lived in that house and my dreams were of living there with him one day. I wanted to help him build that deck so we could relax and enjoy watching the lightening bugs together every night for the rest of our lives. I couldn't imagine anything better then, or now. But dreams are just dreams...and wishing doesn't make it so. Even so, I still find myself sometimes sitting with my eyes closed, seeing the hundreds of flashing lights before me, smelling the aroma of his cigar, and silently holding his hand while we sit on our deck overlooking the woods behind our home.

And I could stay there forever in complete awe and contentment.


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