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I'm on a journey. I know where I'm going but not how I'll get there. Its a mystery only God knows...and isn't telling.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Let the one without sin...

Love, friendship and respect do not unite people as much as a common hatred for something.
Anton Chekhov

I was talking with a friend today about the problems that have occurred in the Episcopal Church. There have been several hot issues that have caused the denomination to turn against itself. Many have chosen to become aligned with the conservative branch of the Anglican Church under non-American Bishops. Technically, the Episcopal Church is a part of the overall "Anglican" community. The Episcopal Churches in America have taken a more liberal turn and their direction has become intolerable to the more conservative members. It has caused pain, schism, financial problems and legal battles for the denomination.

I have my own views, feelings and beliefs about the issues that are the most contentious - consecration of homosexuals and same-sex unions, but my post today isn't about those issues. My post today is about my opening quote and what I'm looking for in a church.

I want a church home whose primary focus is on the love of Christ. I have no need beyond that to make judgements about who God can and cannot work through. I have no need to determine which branch of the Anglican fellowship is "right". I find God in my heart, not a pew. But it bothers me when church congregations pull together based on a common hatred instead of a common love, friendship and respect.

The Anglicans believe they are right. The Episcopalians believe they are right. I believe both groups sincerely believe they are doing their best to do God's will. Perhaps they both are in their own ways. I gave up long tme ago trying to figure out God's plan and I'm sure God doesn't need my help to accomplish it. What I do believe God needs me to do is to focus on one thing - the love and saving grace of Christ. If can keep my focus where it belongs, I have no need to choose who is "right".

Perhaps what is really important is that the Anglicans and the Episcopalians find a way to keep their focus on Christ and not on their judgements of the other...and I have seen it from both groups. Perhaps they should pray for each other and move on to serve God and the many people out there that need a church home.

I'm tired of the issues. I wish both groups well and will pray for them. I just keep hoping I can find a church home in the Anglican/Episcopal tradition whose focus isn't on who should or shouldn't be allowed to consecrate the elements and serve the people.

Let the one without sin determine who is the most qualified to consecrate and lead God's people.


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