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Location: Jacksonville, Florida

I'm on a journey. I know where I'm going but not how I'll get there. Its a mystery only God knows...and isn't telling.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Murphy's Law of Words

Words... talking, discussing, arguing, reporting, questioning...on and on and on. I'm tired of words. I'm tired of the endless discussions and arguments that go on in the world, mostly about things that will never change or get better. I hate the inane speculations about which "star" is pregnant now and all the follow-up reports after the birth about the "bling" the baby is getting. Can you say diamond studded pacifier?? What happened to the starving children in Africa??

There are words I never tire of hearing, and in fact, I need to hear them. I need to hear that I am cared about. I need to hear words that tell me that I look nice. I need to hear words that let me know that I am seen as capable, competent, trustworthy, kind, thoughtful and caring. I need words that tell me I am loved.

Here's the twist...the one I need to hear these things from is the least likely to say them. Damn that Murphy!


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