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Location: Jacksonville, Florida

I'm on a journey. I know where I'm going but not how I'll get there. Its a mystery only God knows...and isn't telling.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Better Now

I can't tell you how much better I feel. For the past 3-4 weeks I have been living in a black hole and totally miserable. Let me explain. I was diagnosed years ago with sleep apnea with restless leg syndrome. The RLS never really caused me any problems but I do notice it in the evening when I get overly tired. Going to bed relieves it most of the time.

There are medications available for RLS and a new one came out recently called Requip. I saw an ad for it in my doctor's office and I asked him for samples to try. Big mistake!! The first time I tried it, I thought I was getting sick. I was very tired and depressed. I stopped the medicine and felt better. But, of course, I couldn't leave it alone. I decided to try it again at the lowest dose just in case I was wrong...but I wasn't. Even at the lowest dose I felt exhausted and extremely down, paranoid, and flat. I began having some very dark thoughts about things to do to myself. The worst part was there wasn't any reason for it, except the medicine.

I stopped the medicine two days ago and by Tuesday evening I felt back to my "normal" self. I have to tell you it feels so much better. I wonder how many people have these kind of reactions to medicines but never make the connection. I can't imagine having to live in a medicine-induced hell. I don't think I could have for long.


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